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February 27, 2006


I feel that same draw toward the people of our little-big city that has the same problems of a Los Angeles or Detroit. I think it must have something to do with these folks never having learned (or possibly, unlearning) the "rules" of having to look good (read: cool, professional, relatively unemotional, completely competent) regardless of how they're feeling inside. It is a freedom that we in the white, bright, and uptight middle class haven't learned, so their kind of celebration (or mourning, for that matter) is so much more difficult for us. The verse that talks about the person who is forgiven much having greater love for God must apply, too. I think real community is more possible when these things coexist: our masks off and understanding how much God has done for us. It also seems that these folks could teach us so very much in this area of life. May we learn the lessons well... I still have a ways to go.

If you have read parts one, two and three of this post and find them interesting, please see my sister's blog at http://johnmortensen.com/dregs/?p=60.
She and her husband are working at joining an urban neighborhood in a missional church effort. It's a very good summary of our challenge to not create people in our own image, but in the image of Christ.

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Tim Neufeld

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