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December 13, 2006


wow... that one changed line does make quite a bit of difference, at least a differnt focus of the song. the concept of fear makes me think of the "post 9-11 world" you talk about in connection with "vertigo." as a nation we get so preoccupied with the worry about what might happen, and forget to see the goodness among the crazy times.

(any idea why it's called teh jacknife lee mix?)

Jacknife Lee is a producer who worked on some songs on HTDAAB with them :) Search Jacknife on U2.com for a few stories

I've always enjoyed Vertigo. I have had the experience of having a song grow on me, partiulcarly after hearing it live. The first one that pops to mind is Elevation.

thanks jennifer! it's nice to know tibits of info... : )

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Tim Neufeld

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