“Love is on the move. Mercy is on the move. God is on the move.”
Just released, Bono's book, On the Move, is a wonderful little presentation of his message at the National Prayer Breakfast from February 2, 2006. The speech itself is worth the price of the book, but what makes this so special is the collection of images and pictures that comes with it.
On the Move features B&W photographs that Bono took of Africans during his first trip to Ethiopia in 1986. These photos, along with other graphics, perfectly complement the theme of Bono’s message. The type, the fonts and the colors do the same. It’s a wonderfully creative and thoughtful collection of images, text and spirit.
The introduction features comments:
We never anticipated that once we achieved our freedom we would face another challenge of this magnitude. We cannot win this fight on our own, and we rely on people like Bono to help us beat this pandemic. -Nelson Mandela
Few people of our day are more committed to using their celebrity for the cause of the poor around the world than my friend Bono. -Rev. Billy Graham
A superstar of rock speaking at a National Prayer Breakfast in a Republican White House? How strange is that? Yet it’s testimony to the effectiveness of Bono’s campaigning to help the marginalized and the poor. Read this book and then act on it! -Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Please buy this book for its message, its artistry, its imagery, and because every penny of royalty is being donated to the ONE Campaign to make poverty history.
“This is what happens when God is on the move.”
Read the full text of Bono's speech here.
View the speech here.
Buy On the Move here.
See another post of mine on the NPB speech here.