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November 18, 2007


Great post and story. Would you believe I passed on these tickets and bckstage passes. Dumb is the only word that it fitting.

Happy Thankgiving weekend.


Bono's message is one that should be echoing from pulpits across America. Man! I got choked up! He's right! It resonated with me. It made me want to take action..........but what action! I am a "comfortable Christian". I attend my bible teaching church. The pastor adheres to solid biblical teaching. But no call to action!! It seems we're all asleep with our eyes wide open. Numb. Comfortable. Not really making a difference in this world full of needs. The truth is, the "poor" would not be welcome in my church. Would not feel welcome anyway unless they had a nice set of clothes on and could talk the Sunday morning talk.... Father, what to do...

I am at a point of confusion and disillusionment in regards to the church and politics. Does being a Christian really mean the only person I can vote for is a Republican? The great effort "Christians" put into getting "their man" into office...........Sometimes it feels like the pharisees of Jesus's day. We are still trying to bully and coerce the Romans. It does not feel right!

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Tim Neufeld

  • Full-time professor, part-time pastor, husband, father of two small boys, news writer for @U2 (atu2.com), just trying to find my way in a new world.

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