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November 06, 2007



That was awesome to see! I particularly liked the witch costume for biased reasons of course given my last post.

It was a beautiful video.I agree that "diversity" is the key and what God had in mind for us all. Sadly, not everyone see or hears this message with the same eyes or ears.

Sorry about my spelling errors in my last two post. I wish you could edit it, a bit embarrassed by it.

God be with you in all things,

Kim Cox


I always appreciate your comments. Thanks for catching the beauty of diversity. It's so hard to understand until it's been experienced!

Don't worry about the speling errers. I've dropped mine all over the internet by now. That seems to be part of the "rawness" of the new media. (I confess, I usually have my wife proof my stuff. But not always, you'll still find errors in my posts!)


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Tim Neufeld

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