I just came to a stunning yet obvious conclusion. I'm going to vote in California's primary this year. In past presidential elections the primary came so late to California that the candidates had already been selected. Since our primaries have been moved up to February 5 this year the pack should still be strong.
The ONE campaign has been running a tangent project called ONE Vote '08. From their website:
ONE Vote '08 is an unprecedented, non-partisan campaign to make global health and extreme poverty foreign policy priorities in the 2008 presidential election.
The next president will take office in a time of great hope: there are effective and affordable solutions that save lives. AIDS drugs can now cost as little as $1 a day. A $5 bed net can keep a child from dying from a mosquito bite. With the force of more than millions of members from all 50 states and a coalition of more than 100 non-profit, religious and charitable groups, ONE Vote '08 will educate and mobilize voters to ensure that the next American president is committed to using "strategic" power to end global poverty and keep America strong.
The folks at ONE have created a fantastic tool for comparing the responses of all candidates on the issue of global poverty. They include written and video statements. Check out this cool tool here.