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May 22, 2008


What aweinspirng words. It makes perfect sense. And a great blog.


Great post Tim. Lately in ministry we've been talking a lot more about being part of the story verses just telling great stories. While telling great stories do have value, we recognize the amazing potential a story that is being written has. Instead of a 20 or 30 minute messages on sunday mornings we now have a short devo that turns into the students writing poems or creating artwork with what is going through their mind when it comes to the issues we raise. After this we will open up the floor for any kid that would want to share what he or she created that morning. Doing this has given way to a story that is still being written verses me telling our students tales of great things and then hoping they, at some point, create their own story. Eventually we would like to get to the point where future ideas, programs, or service is created from the story that is being written in this hour on Sunday. All this to say, great post Tim, it's right where we need to be.

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Tim Neufeld

  • Full-time professor, part-time pastor, husband, father of two small boys, news writer for @U2 (atu2.com), just trying to find my way in a new world.

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