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October 01, 2008



I wish I could have listened in on this presentation! First of all, I am quite interested in the cult of Artemis and how that has connections with how Paul contextualized his letter. (Also, about 25 years later when John writes to the Churches in Asia [Ephesus area], studying the similar issues raised by the imperial cult has been interesting; check this message out: http://www.willowcreek.com/servicebuilder/vid.asp?URL=JesusandDomitianM062603_1&type=message).

Second, I have seen the 'dividing wall' in the Christian family in the area of politics. It is not as though my family and friends have disowned me or anything like that, but rather I am the one with the "crazy" views. As for the global question, that is one that I am wrestling with as a priveledged white middle class American. How should we address the issues of 'the other' across the globe? How might we and 'the other' find that we can be united? Also, sounds like MCC is engaging these things head on!

Third, any time you can bring U2 and theology together... you have my attention. I recently viewed the interview between Bono and Bill Hybels. It was quite insightful.

All of that to say that I wish I could have been there and that I am thankful for an innovative and slightly "controversial" voice in the MB world. You are making room for us younger folks to think freely and re-imagine the "Way" of Jesus!

PS -- Love to know what books or resources you used for research... Especially first century Ephesus stuff!

OOOPS! The link messed up... Here it is again if you are interested in hearing Rob Bell give a talk on Ephesus when John writes Revelation: http://www.willowcreek.com/servicebuilder/vid.asp?URL=JesusandDomitianM062603_1&type=message

Thanks for the comment Kurt. I always amazed (but shouldn’t be) to hear about the very real dividing walls that separate biological family members especially at election time. Elections seem to bring out the worst side of Christians on both sides of the isle. We continue to mistakenly think that we can legislate morality and, in turn, the heart. The whole process is highly coercive. It is essential that Christians remain involved in politics (at least at the voting level), but we have to remember that we’re not electing Jesus. If we were, he’d just be crucified again (yup, even in America).

Regarding the Ephesians work on Artemis, that comes from my own study. Unfortunately, most commentaries continue to interpret Ephesians as a kind of guidebook for moral conduct. These authors hardly mention Artemis if at all. Of course, NT Wright moves us in the right direction here. Read Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire by Walsh and Keesmaat for a similar contextual discussion of the letter to the Colossians.

Colossians Remixed is in my top 5 favorite books! Thanks!

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Tim Neufeld

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