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May 20, 2009


There is no way those are actually part of Rumsfeld's briefings. For real?!?!

Yes way. For real....

You are making a valid overall point, but do you really want to equate the torture (crucifixion, beatings) and death of a completely innocent man with the simulated drowning under a doctor's care (waterboarding) of enemy combatants? Enemy combatants captured on the battlefield not wearing a uniform and hiding behind women and children? I see the difference and think that this is likely the backstory to the answers.

Could the Bible verses on the Intelligence Briefings just be two Christain men encouraging each other with God's word? Does it really constitute propoganda in a holy crusade? If yes, then did it lead to a holy crusade? Is there any evidence that the US Governement engaged in a holy crusade?

God Bless,

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Tim Neufeld

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