Bono stopped by via video this afternoon. In a 7-8 minute pre-recorded statement (apparently within the last few days), he greeted the 160 attendees and thanked us for the work that is being done at this conference and specifically for the study of global issues including the end of poverty and AIDS in Africa. He then introduced our featured speaker, Agnes Nyamayarwo (see below). He spoke highly of Agnes and all the work she has done for the cause and the ONE Campaign. (Last night at the concert he honored her with a lengthy tribute in the song "One.")
On humorous note, he was his charming self-depricating self and whimsicly spoke of the honor it was to have a conference on the work of U2 ending with a sly grin and a quip, "I hope were worthy of the honor; I'm sure we're not all the time!" (chuckle, chuckle) Last night at the concert he gave us a shout out, "We understand there's a U2 conf in town, welcome."
One more note, has posted a review of the Raleigh concert and they included a "thanks" to the U2 conference on their website.