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February 20, 2011


Kim brought up an excellent point related to our conversation about accepting hospitality and posted the following on my Facebook page. Thanks, Kim! -Tim

"I had another thought today, reguarding the phrase "accept hospitality." You know mine and Paul's story, that we have been often the ones in need. When you are in need, especially if you are not used to being in need, it can be a blow to your self esteem. Whether anyone makes you feel it or not you can feel like a taker who contributes nothing. So when we are ministering to those in need, in real physical and ecconomic ways and they give whatever they have to share graciously, we are also helping them feel as though they are still people of value."

Some very wise words here and I particular like the advice that people need you to care before they will care what you know. This is so true and an important reason for everything you have suggested here about asking questions. Good questions show genuine interest to understand another person, not just direct them or get what you want from them, having already decided.

Thanks so much for the link to my article as well, its always great to connect from excellent content and I appreciate it here!

Hi Mike, I'm so glad that you stopped by... and that you had such a wonderful summary of using questions on your site. I teach a bit about learning and teaching theory so it was a nice find. It's too bad most of us are only concerned with giving our opinions rather than genuinely entering into the lives of those around us. Thanks for the encouragement.

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Tim Neufeld

  • Full-time professor, part-time pastor, husband, father of two small boys, news writer for @U2 (atu2.com), just trying to find my way in a new world.

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