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June 04, 2011


Thank you Tim for your beautiful and insightful article about God's spirit/wind/breath. I searched for "breath of God" and found your discussion after looking through dozens of sites and songs that used the phrase. I was inspired to search for breath of God by a vision I saw yesterday in the late afternoon light of hanging pepper branches gently swaying in the breeze, which inspired me to say to myself, "I see God's breath." I felt the immediate presence of God's "breath" that you describe as "God's ... ever-present ongoing spirit-of-life/wind-of-life/breath-of-life which enables the act of creation." I believe God is always with us and I cherish the glimpses of his Spirit that I occasionally sense! Thank you again :)

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Tim Neufeld

  • Full-time professor, part-time pastor, husband, father of two small boys, news writer for @U2 (atu2.com), just trying to find my way in a new world.

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