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March 10, 2012


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Tim! It's nice to have objective feedback from a respected man of faith (you! :) It definitely helps us piece together our own thoughts... and much of what you said is right in line with what we've been hearing and reading. Except the end. I hope some people DO remember :) and act. I hope that God uses this, whether good or bad, to spur others on to act on behalf of justice and compassion- and in a way that blesses God's heart! And I know you do too :)

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I waited too long to watch the video. No one is talking about it any more.

Really like the blog, appreciate the share!

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Tim Neufeld

  • Full-time professor, part-time pastor, husband, father of two small boys, news writer for @U2 (atu2.com), just trying to find my way in a new world.

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