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September 25, 2012


Amazing article Tim! I'm spreading te word about this piece on my blog today! I've loved the album thus far and appreciate the way you draw out te themes of humanness and spirituality. Here's the link to the excerpt - http://www.patheos.com/blogs/thepangeablog/2012/09/26/mumford-and-sons-god-and-babel/

Thanks again!

Ditto, Tim. Great perspective. I also put word out on my blog today.
Here's the link: http://swellguy.typepad.com/life_with_the_swell_guy/2012/09/mumford-sons-babel.html

Great article, M+S have lead me back to the lord, relatingg mostly to 'Lovers Eyes' and 'Hopeless Wanderer'; but I found it strange you didn't mention 'broken crown' in the track dissection, definitely a strong message there. And 'Below My feet' can also be translated to keeping the world below our feet, as in how we are annointed with the gifts of christ and the world is under his, as is the devil and all other hellacious spirits. I believe he is asking for strength here more than anything, wishing not to fall into (entirely I should say) the ways of the world. Hope that makes sense.

Two words: Honest Hope.

Love the album.

Posted my response here: http://davidwarkentin.blogspot.ca/2012/10/mumford-sons-and-honest-hope.html

Is there anything out there confirming that the artists meant these things when they wrote the songs? I agree that I identify much of this in M&S's work, but was it intended that way? I have not been able to find anything out there about this . . . wondered if anybody else has?

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Tim Neufeld

  • Full-time professor, part-time pastor, husband, father of two small boys, news writer for @U2 (atu2.com), just trying to find my way in a new world.

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