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November 08, 2013


Very interesting and a great way to offer some perspective, different, new or otherwise. The first two photos seem to illustrate to me the problem I had with my old denomination's (you know which one I mean, Tim) debate on the subject. One essentially was not heard if one tried to exist in the third photo. It felt as if one had to embrace the entire broad agenda of only those in either photo 1 or photo 2, period. Mind you, that was in the 80's and 90's, and the issues(s) have evolved, as much as issues do/can. But I have found my current denomination a bit more mature about it--maybe only slightly. Even though I know that the realms/approaches of Pic 1 and Pic 2 exist, there seems to be more room for Pic 3, and I definitely feel like I can participate in Pic 4, no matter who is standing beside me. Not that one denomination is superior to the other. It is just about how I feel within the denominational community with which I choose to worship. I hope that makes some sense, but that is how it strikes me. Amazingly those four photos seem to be an illustration of my personal journey through the issue, and my attempt to find a fitting "church home"...or, better, a deeper understanding of the nature of Christ and my own spiritual journey...churches/denominations notwithstanding. Thanks.

Peter, thanks for saying in words what I was trying to say with pictures, and for saying it so eloquently. You're right, those pics represent very different views of the issue. I'd sure like to find a context where those perspectives could all be in conversation with one another. Thanks again.

I think we can and must do #2 without being hateful, hurtful, or self-righteous, but by being humble, prayerful, and patient.

We need more of #3. Enough said.

#4 is striking. Reminds me of all the times that people listening to Jesus "did not understand" (e.g., Luke 2:50).

Let me know next time you're in the DC area. I live in NW DC.

Thanks, Sheldon. I don't have any plans for another DC trip, but I'll keep this in mind. I'd love to get together!

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