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February 05, 2014


Wow, I was looking for people who had the feeling that there's much more to the song and that it has a biblical meaning, and I was right. Especially when the New Testament is concerned.

A bit of speculation, but isn't the cover art interesting as well?

I'm talking about the clock hitting almost 12:00/0:00. It's like the end of 'day', possibly hinting at Jesus's second coming being very near.

My thoughts on some of the lines:

I won't be me when you see me again
No I won't be my father's son
(Jesus first came as a lamb of God, but will return like a lion, different kind of Jesus.)

A body and a soul (Jesus being the physical representation of God)
You don't see me but you will
I am not invisible
I am here
(He's not here physically, but he's alive, and he will when he returns)


I'm not a bible expert, but try to learn as much when there's time. I thought I'd just share my point of view.

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Tim Neufeld

  • Full-time professor, part-time pastor, husband, father of two small boys, news writer for @U2 (atu2.com), just trying to find my way in a new world.

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