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May 31, 2015


Good read.

Thanks, Chadd!

Great thing!
Thanks for posting that.
The person at the very right is Breshnev.
The picture is taken from a picture on the East side gallery which is a part of the old wall that got painted on by artists in 1990 and could be preserved.


And this page shows the picture with Breshnev on it:


The other person is Erich Honecker, the former East German Chef of state. What's written underneath in German says:
"Mein Gott hilf mir, diese tödliche Liebe zu überleben."
English translation: "My God help me to survive this fatal (killing) love."

I think most of the gaffiti on the "U2-wall" are taken from the east-side gallery as far as I can see.
(We will have to have a closer look in September when we go to the Berlin for the concert.)

Mona, thank you so much for adding this information. Now I have a bit more to research. I'm glad that U2 have not forgotten this symbol of oppression and freedom. In a way, they are helping preserve the art through their own tour! -Tim

Oh, you're welcome, Tim. Glad that I could help a little bit.
Thank you for posting so many interesting stuff!

The "yellow angel" was part of the graffiti wall for the Chicago June 24 show, but was removed from the graffiti wall for the Chicago June 25 show. It wasn't replaced with anything, just rubbed out. Any idea why?

Thanks for the tip, Glen. I'll watch for that! I have no idea why that would happen. -Tim

Just a clarification Tim, my photo was from the June 25th show not the June 28th show. However based on my friends view on the 28th and last night, it remains with no angel.

You have Wille on speed dial right? :)

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Tim Neufeld

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