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May 18, 2015


I was GA at Chicago 2 and managed to grab two of the Psalms after the show.

I appreciate your thoughtful discussion about the leaflets, here, FB and on the Crystal Ballroom Periscopes (great to be apart of that small tribe!) BTW a sidebar thought, Maybe a weekly or bi-weekly Crystal Ballroom Google Hangout?

I know we discussed the tearing of the pages that fell and the significance of the strewn pages as a result of the bombing. One additional thought occurred to me after I read the Psalms I picked up. It seemed to me as the pages were cut intentionally in a way as to place the focus on the specific text they wanted us to read. Not just random Psalms with random cuts.

Jim, I completely agree that the pages are cut/torn very intentionally. One thing I've been trying to determine: If a page is showing most of Ps 105 on the bottom half, but has a couple lines from Ps 104 indicating that the top half of the page contained more of 104, did they also drop that half of the sheet or discard it? They use so many different Psalms at this point, it could be very hard to tell. Thanks for the kind words!

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Tim Neufeld

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